Father's Day Pachamanca - S/.95 - Experience MESA 24/7 - Romero Osteria Restaurante

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Father's Day Pachamanca - S/.95

Location: Rumichaca Baja sn
Duration: 3 hours

What will we do?

This June 16 we will celebrate Father's Day with a unique gastronomic experience, we will bury our pachamanca in our bonfire and grill area, where most of the food that we will serve in our buffet will be cooked, our event will last around 3 hours and will We will extend it with a bonfire and drink promotions all day.

What's included?

"Bebidas - Chicha morada - Gaseosas naturales - Infusiones - Agua Ensaladas - Ensalada del huerto - Ensalada criolla Carnes - Panceta de cerdo - Pollo - Res Tuberculos - 3 tipos de papas andinas - camote - Oca Otros acompañantes - Choclo - Tamal serrano - Platano maduro - Habas - Pastel de choclo Salsas - Chimichurri - Ocopa - Uchucuta - Pico de gallo"

Special considerations

Price for children under 12 years old 45 soles, pay directly at the restaurant. Cancellation with a minimum of 48 hours.