Cena maridaje de 5 tiempos - Experience MESA 24/7 - Perroquet

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Cena maridaje de 5 tiempos

Location: Calle Los Eucaliptos 590, San Isidro
Duration: 3 hours

What will we do?

This July 5th at the Country Club Lima Hotel, together with Bodega Calvet, we have prepared a wonderful pairing dinner with live music. This evening will be directed by Miguel Andrade, a Sommelier with renowned experience. We receive them from 8:00 p.m.

What's included?

Bienvenida Calvet Alsace 1er tiempo Calvet Rosé D' Anjou Atún forrado en nori con puré de hummus, cherry confitado y salsa de soya. 2do tiempo Calvet Reserve Bordeaux Ravioles de Canilla de Cordero en su salsa y crema de leche 3er tiempo Calvet Grande Reserve Bordeaux Superieur Magret de pato con risotto en salsa chiclayana. 4to tiempo Calvet Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Estofado de Asado de tira con puré de polenta trufado y salsa de pimientas 5to tiempo Calvet Sauternes Texturas en calvet

Special considerations

In case of allergies and food restrictions, please contact fcalderon@losportales.com.pe