Cena maridaje de 5 tiempos - Experience MESA 24/7 - Perroquet

Cena maridaje de 5 tiempos

Calle Los Eucaliptos 590, San Isidro


Duration time: 3 hours

Quotas: 10

S/ 320

per person

What will we do?

This February 21 at the Country Club Lima Hotel with the help of Juve&Camps, we have prepared a wonderful pairing dinner with live music. This evening will be directed by Enrique Durandez, export manager of Juve & Camps. We receive them from 8:00 p.m.

What's included?

Welcome Juve & camps Essential Purple Reserve ¹Juve & Camps Family Reserve, Gran Reserva Coriander causa with razor clams in rocoto emulsion ²Aurora D'Espiells Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc Fried causa with octopus tartare and avocado cream ³Eight two two Tempranillo Lined tuna and creamy rice with crunchy parmesan ⁴Pagos de Anguix Costalara Tempranillo Narrow steak in truffled pepper sauce accompanied by tamalada quinoa. ⁵ Juve & Camps Essential Pinot Noir Nessa (Raspberry mousse and center in red fruit compote, dacquoise in crunchy pistachio and mirror bath)

Special considerations

In case of allergies and food restrictions, please contact us at reservaperroquet@hotelcountry.com

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How many people will participate?

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Where will you be?

Calle Los Eucaliptos 590, San Isidro