Tea Time Served - Experience MESA 24/7 - Bistro 400

Tea Time Served

Calle Schell nro. 400. Miraflores.

Bistro 400

Duration time: 2 hours

Quotas: 4140

S/ 59

per person

What will we do?

Enjoy a delicious tea time served. Available from Monday to Sunday 13:00 - 20:30pm

What's included?

Welcome cocktail, 3 types of mini sandwiches, 3 sweet options, 3 tequeños, 3 spicy wings, and a non-alcoholic beverage.

Special considerations

Las cancelaciones deben realizarse con al menos 24 horas de anticipación para evitar penalizaciones.

Live your experience

How many people will participate?

Choose the date and time

Where will you be?

Calle Schell nro. 400. Miraflores.