Tea time buffet for kids - Experience MESA 24/7 - Bistro 400

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Tea time buffet for kids

Location: C. Schell 400, Miraflores 15074
Duration: 1 hour and a half

What will we do?

Disfrutaremos de actividades sensoriales y art station con El Atelier de Cami. Así como de un tea time buffet único Opciones del buffet: Smoothies y jugos naturales, fruit bar, finger food, variedad de sandwiches, waffles y pancakes, fuente de chocolate, toppings, mesa de postres y estación de bebidas calientes. Precio niños de 4 a 12 años: S/.49 Precio de adultos 69 soles, pagan directamente en el restaurante.

What's included?

Buffet options: Smoothies and natural juices, fruit bar, finger food, variety of sandwiches, waffles and pancakes, chocolate fountain, toppings, dessert table and hot drinks station. Price for children from 4 to 12 years old: S/.49

Special considerations

Payment of the adult price for this service S/69.00 must be made in the same restaurant, on the day of service