Son de Guerra - Experience MESA 24/7 - Bahía Lima

Son de Guerra

Av. Víctor A. Belaúnde 220, San Isidro 15073

Bahía Lima

Duration time: 2 hours

Quotas: 80

S/ 50

per person

What will we do?

Disfrutaremos de una noche increíble con Son de Guerra. DJ 7pm y post show SHOW INICIA: 10 PM

What's included?

Solo cubre el ingreso de una persona por experiencia al cover.

Special considerations

-There is no refund of money for cancellation of the reservation -In case of canceling the reservation, the date can be changed within 48 hours -Minimum consumption 60 soles

Live your experience

How many people will participate?

Choose the date and time

Where will you be?

Av. Víctor A. Belaúnde 220, San Isidro 15073