Av. Victor Belaúnde 220, San Isidro
Duration time: 2 hours
Quotas: 100
per person
Come and enjoy with us the best variety of music with Frank Ariel. The price of the experience is S/.50 per person. DJ Mix 7:00 pm and after the Show
It only covers one people for the entrance fee.
Please contact us via WhatsApp at +1 (960) 535-416 to confirm your reservation or in case of any inconvenience. We have Valet Parking and 10 exclusive restaurant parking spaces. Minimum consumption of S/.60
From the restaurant: If you have any questions, please contact Bahía Lima at the following email reservas@bahialima.pe or by phone 960 535 416
Av. Victor Belaúnde 220, San Isidro